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Combining mesoscopic and microscopic simulation in an integrated environment as a hybrid solution

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic. Facultat d'Empresa i Comunicació Casas Vilaró, Jordi Torday, Alexandre Gerodimos, Alex 2014-11-17T11:08:13Z 2014-11-17T11:08:13Z 2010 2010
dc.identifier.citation Casas Vilaró, J., Torday, A., & Gerodimos, A. (2010). Combining mesoscopic and microscopic simulation in an integrated environment as a hybrid solution. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2(3), 25-33. ca_ES
dc.identifier.issn 1939-1390
dc.description.abstract The evaluation of advanced Intelligent Transportation Systems, and particularly those which involve real–time traffic management, requires a network-wide assessment of their impact as opposed to an isolated analysis of key intersections. To support such assessments, an integrated simulation environment that allows the use of different modeling levels (e.g., macro-meso-micro) offers undeniable advantages. One of the advantages is that traffic assignment results produced by any type of network loading modeling can be stored and reused for another simulation run. But even in an integrated environment with separate models, deciding between microscopic or mesoscopic was until recently a necessary and difficult choice. On the one hand, microscopic traffic simulation models emulate the dynamics of individual vehicles in a detailed network representation based on car-following, lane changing, and gap acceptance models. They also account explicitly for traffic control. As such, they are very appropriate for operational analysis due to the detail of information provided by the simulator. However, they have a significant calibration and computational cost. On the other hand, mesoscopic models combine simplified flow dynamics with explicit treatment of interrupted flows at intersections and allow modeling of large networks with high computational efficiency. However, the loss of realism implied by a mesoscopic model makes it necessary to emulate detailed outputs; for instance, de-tector measurements or instantaneous emissions. Some outputs, such as the number of start-stops or the exact location of con-gestion within a section elude even the most detailed mesoscopic simulators. This analysis gives rise to the need to combine meso and micro approaches into new concurrent hybrid traffic simulators where very large-scale networks are modeled mesoscopically and areas of complex interactions benefit from the finer detail of microscopic simulation. Combining an event-based mesoscopic model with a more detailed, time-sliced microsimulator raises consistency problems within the network rep-resentation and the meso-micro-meso transitions. ca_ES
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 9 p. ca_ES
dc.language.iso eng ca_ES
dc.rights Tots els drets reservats ca_ES
dc.subject.other Circulació -- Simulació per ordinador ca_ES
dc.subject.other Vehicles elèctrics híbrids ca_ES
dc.title Combining mesoscopic and microscopic simulation in an integrated environment as a hybrid solution ca_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article ca_ES
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess ca_ES
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/publishedVersion ca_ES
dc.indexacio Indexat a SCOPUS ca_ES

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