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ListarMàster Universitari en Aplicacions Mòbils i Jocs por tema "Aplicacions mòbils"

ListarMàster Universitari en Aplicacions Mòbils i Jocs por tema "Aplicacions mòbils"

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  • Balagué Sanglas, Francesc (09-2015)
    Internet of Things technology (in advance, IoT) applied into the sports world. We want to make a study with extractions of data to identify different movements and behaviors in sport during the practice of sport. The ...
  • Maurí, Marc (09-2015)
    Let's Go Padel offers to padel tournament organizers, clubs or specialized companies a set of mobile applications to improve the management and monitoring of their tournaments while improving the relationship with the ...
  • Hornos Arias, Josep (09-2016)
    From the ancient Egypt to our days games evolved continuously. Several innovations in technology made possible to play with people around the world, or simulate realities to give new experiences to players. But this ...

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