
Número total de visites

Use and application of the digital tool Socrative in the EFL class: analysis, evaluation, and adaptation of this tool for students with learning difficulties 95

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gener 2024 febrer 2024 març 2024 abril 2024 maig 2024 juny 2024 juliol 2024
Use and application of the digital tool Socrative in the EFL class: analysis, evaluation, and adaptation of this tool for students with learning difficulties 4 0 0 9 11 5 2

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Estats Units 45
Espanya 13
Xina 10
Irlanda 7
Països Baixos 5
Vietnam 3
Romania 2
Canadà 1
Alemanya 1
Rússia 1

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Menlo Park 11
Oakland 7
Dublin 5
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Shanghai 5
Guangzhou 4
Andover 3
Hanoi 3
Redwood City 3
Santa Coloma De Cervelló 3

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