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Fostering speaking in the EFL classroom: the role of formulaic language in low proficiency L2 learners of English 399

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Fostering speaking in the EFL classroom: the role of formulaic language in low proficiency L2 learners of English 5 35 4 22 17 13 7

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trealu_a2020_montesinos_judit_fostering_speaking_efl_classroom.pdf 330

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Estats Units 159
Regne Unit 41
Suècia 31
Xina 27
Espanya 26
Vietnam 24
Ucraïna 11
Taiwan 10
Canadà 7
Alemanya 7

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Oakland 39
Hanoi 24
Redwood City 21
Menlo Park 13
Guangzhou 11
Des Moines 8
Atlanta 7
Toronto 7
Budapest 6
Leawood 6

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