
Número total de visites

Phage therapy: assessment of the efficacy of a bacteriophage isolated in the treatment of salmonellosis induced by Salmonella enteritidis in mice 500

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gener 2024 febrer 2024 març 2024 abril 2024 maig 2024 juny 2024 juliol 2024
Phage therapy: assessment of the efficacy of a bacteriophage isolated in the treatment of salmonellosis induced by Salmonella enteritidis in mice 9 2 0 7 5 14 4

Visites al fitxer

artconlli_a2017_imeni_seyed_mostafa_phage_therapy.pdf 137

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Estats Units 257
Suècia 44
Alemanya 27
Xina 26
França 25
Espanya 23
Ucraïna 23
Regne Unit 21
Canadà 7
Vietnam 6

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Ann Arbor 31
Oakland 27
Ashburn 17
Houston 16
Menlo Park 10
Mountain View 10
San Diego 8
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Leawood 7
Guangzhou 6

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