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Quality, security and effeciency improvements of automated translation processes

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. Facultat de Ciències i Tecnologia Jiménez Hidalgo, Carles 2016-10-22T10:30:39Z 2016-10-22T10:30:39Z 2016-09 2016-09
dc.description Curs 2015-2016 en_US
dc.description.abstract In the last years, the multilingual translations market has been growing up in a remarkable way but the deadlines are tighter every time and the companies operating in this sector have to include the computer-aided translation, or even the machine automatic translation, if they want to stay competitive. In addition, process improvements are necessary to improve quality by a standardization of processes, to improve security by reducing human mistakes and to improve efficiency by reducing process times. In this project a pre-study for a translation process improvement project is developed, in order to be able to analyze the impact, in terms of saved costs coming from saved time, of a new solution that will be requested and developed internally at the company so the original processes are replaced by new ones. The quality, security and efficiency improvements that the new solution will bring have to be identified. Regarding the economical point of view, the liquidity, profitability and risk of the project’s investment are analyzed by performing a detailed investment analysis. A conclusion regarding the viability of the project’s implementation, economically speaking, is presented as well. In order to achieve these objectives, the company’s internal Project Management methodology will be followed and all its steps will be applied to the project so that we make sure that the project’s delivery is reached using a standard work structure to ensure quality and also to ensure that what is delivered is the same thing that was requested. All important decisions that are made during the project’s implementation, as well as all the necessary introductions, are documented in a didactic Project Memory which can be followed by someone who is not an expert in the project-related matters. en_US
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 105 p. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.rights Tots els drets reservats en_US
dc.subject.other Gestió de projectes en_US
dc.subject.other Anàlisi financera en_US
dc.subject.other Control de qualitat en_US
dc.subject.other Eficiència industrial en_US
dc.title Quality, security and effeciency improvements of automated translation processes en_US
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis en_US
dc.description.version Director/a: Carles Torres Feixas
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US

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