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Study of tergal glands morphogenesis through an integrative analysis of genomic data

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic. Escola Politècnica Superior
dc.contributor Universitat de Vic. Màster Universitari en Anàlisi de Dades Òmiques Ylla Bou, Guillem 2014-10-22T08:29:24Z 2014-10-22T08:29:24Z 2014-09 2014-09
dc.description Curs 2013-2014 ca_ES
dc.description.abstract About 50% of living species are holometabolan insects. Therefore, unraveling the ori- gin of insect metamorphosis from the hemimetabolan (gradual metamorphosis) to the holometabolan (sudden metamorphosis at the end of the life cycle) mode is equivalent to explaining how all this biodiversity originated. One of the problems with studying the evolution from hemimetaboly to holometaboly is that most information is available only in holometabolan species. Within the hemimetabolan group, our model, the cock- roach Blattella germanica, is the most studied species. However, given that the study of adult morphogenesis at organismic level is still complex, we focused on the study of the tergal gland (TG) as a minimal model of metamorphosis. The TG is formed in tergites 7 and 8 (T7-8) in the last days of the last nymphal instar (nymph 6). The comparative study of four T7-T8 transcriptomes provided us with crucial keys of TG formation, but also essential information about the mechanisms and circuitry that allows the shift from nymphal to adult morphogenesis. ca_ES
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format.extent 59 p. ca_ES
dc.language.iso eng ca_ES
dc.rights Aquest document està subjecte a aquesta llicència Creative Commons ca_ES
dc.rights.uri ca_ES
dc.subject.other RNA ca_ES
dc.subject.other Insectes -- Morfogènesi ca_ES
dc.title Study of tergal glands morphogenesis through an integrative analysis of genomic data ca_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis ca_ES
dc.description.version Director/a: Xavier Bellés
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess ca_ES

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