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  • Aiguadé, Ramon; Pons Camps, Patrick; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc (Elsevier Masson, 2008)
    La technique de crochetage favorise le glissement entre les différentes structures anatomiques grâce à son effet de fybrolyse. Elle permet en plus d’arriver à des zones difficilement accessibles aux doigts du praticien ...
  • Pradell, Trinitat; Molera Marimon, Judit; Smith, Andrew D.; Climent-Font, Aurelio; Tite, Michael S. (Elsevier, 2008)
    Replications of the lustre layers have been produced using laboratory-controlled conditions, based on a 13th century AD lustre recipe. The characteristics of the lustre layers obtained by using different paint and glaze ...
  • Molina, Gloria; Tite, Michael S.; Molera Marimon, Judit; Climent-Font, Aurelio; Pradell, Trinitat (Elsevier, 2014)
    Lustre is a decoration consisting of a few hundreds of nanometres thick surface layer of silver and copper metal nanoparticles incorporated intothe glaze. Polychrome lustreware with several combinations of colours and ...
  • Santiago Torner, Carlos; Tarrats Pons, Elisenda; Corral Marfil, José A. (Hipatia Press, 2023)
    La repercusión del teletrabajo sobre la salud emocional de los empleados ha suscitado una amplia discusión académica. El debate sigue abierto y sin una explicación concluyente. Investigaciones previas establecen relaciones ...
  • Cánovas Méndez, Marcos (CSIC, 2011)
    A partir de la complejidad argumental y temática de la película Eyes Wide Shut, dirigida por Stanley Kubrick, se presenta una propuesta interpretativa que analiza la relación entre el tema de la película, la trama ...
  • Pradell, Trinitat; Molera Marimon, Judit; Pantos, E.; Smith, Andrew D.; Martin, C.M.; Labrador, A. (Springer, 2008)
    Luster is a golden metallic-like decoration produced on glazed ceramics since early Islamic times (Iraq, 9th AD). Luster is obtained by the reaction of a luster paint and the glaze surface over which it is applied. A ...
  • Negredo, Eugenia; Puig, Jordi; Ornelas, Arelly; Echeverria, Patricia; Bonjoch, Anna; Estany, Carla; Higueras, Carmen; Gonzalez-Mestre, Vicente; Clotet, Bonaventura (Mary Ann Liebert, 2015)
    Long-term results ( > 5 years) for synthetic substances used to repair facial lipoatrophy have not been published. We performed a cross-sectional study to evaluate the 10-year safety of polyacrylamide hydrogel (Aquamid) among ...
  • Contreras, Ruth S. (Ruth Sofhía); Alpiste Penalba, Francesc; Eguía, José Luis (Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile, 2006)
    El aprendizaje combinado se define como la integración eficaz de dos componentes: la enseñanza presencial y la tecnología no presencial. Este modelo intenta generar un aprendizaje que influya positivamente en el alumno ...
  • Baiget i Vidal, Ernest; Fernandez-Fernandez, Jaime; Iglesias i Reig, Xavier; Rodríguez, Ferran A. (Plos One, 2015)
    The aims of this study were (i) to describe the relative intensity of simulated tennis play based on the cumulative time spent in three metabolic intensity zones, and (ii) to determine the relationships between this play ...
  • Nogué i Font, Joan; San Eugenio Vela, Jordi de (Universidad CEU San Pablo, 2010)
    El estudio de las implicaciones comunicativas presentes en el paisaje tangible e intangible circundante abre un amplio abanico de posibilidades para el tratamiento de la denominada comunicación en el paisaje. El análisis ...
  • Contreras, Ruth S. (Ruth Sofhía) (Obra Digital : Revista De Comunicacion, 2018)
    Los lectores de este número encontrarán modelos teóricos que, basándose en simulaciones, auxilian en la explicación y predicción de procesos como la difusión de conocimiento en redes sociales, en las que la colaboración ...
  • Simó i Algado, Salvador (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016)
  • Thomas, Erica Lynn; Puig Ribera, Anna; Senyé Mir, Anna; Greenfield, Sheila; Eves, Frank F. (Emerald, 2015)
    Purpose – Worksites have been targeted as an important setting for physical activity interventions. A recent emphasis for health promoters is the use of point-of-choice interventions to encourage stair climbing at work. ...
  • Pérez Mas, Miquel (Patronat d'Estudis Osonencs, 2005)
    El «Julius» és un concurs de cinema amateur que fonamenta la seva singularitat en el fet de partir d’un text literari prefixat del qual els participants han de fer una adaptació audiovisual. En aquest article s’estudia ...
  • Martín i Horcajo, Montse (Sage, 2012)
    To date Luce Irigaray’s sexual difference theory has had very little impact on sport feminism studies. While sexual difference is still considered in some feminist circles as a regression to the old idea of anatomy as ...
  • Camprodon, Jordi; Salvanyà, Josep; Soler-Zurita, Jaume (Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2008)
    Abstract. The availability and suitability of tree cavities for hole-nesting birds were surveyed in three beech wood types (mature, cleared and coppice forests) in the North east of the Iberian Peninsula. We sampled the ...
  • Matilla, Kathy; Marca Francés, Guillem (Elsevier, 2012)
    In a context where it is of increasing importance to optimize resources, to refine the definition of the environment and to demonstrate the return on investment (ROI), preliminary research and evaluation in PR have not ...
  • Cámara, Lidia; Espasa, Eva (Routledge, 2011)
    Abstract. Multimedia documents are increasingly used to disseminate specialized scientific knowledge. They are addressed to, and accessed by, different audiences: experts, students (with differing degrees of specialization) ...
  • Scolari, Carlos Alberto; Navarro Güere, Héctor; García, Irene; Pardo Kuklinski, Hugo; Soriano Clemente, Jaume (International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 2009)
    Communication mediated by mobile devices is one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy and is transforming different aspects of our lives, including our ways of relating and our cultural production, ...

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